18 September 2024, Volume 16 Issue 5

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  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 1-16.
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    Under the strategic background of vigorously promoting newtype urbanization construction and seeking highquality development, it is of great practical significance to demonstrate the relationship between tourism urbanization construction and green economic efficiency. Based on the 28 cities panel data ( 2006—2020) of urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the response model of tourism urbanization and super-efficiency SBM model was used to estimate and analyze the level of tourism urbanization and the level of green economy efficiency, and the evolution characteristics of their spatial-temporal patterns were analyzed. Applying panel regression model to empirically analyze the impact of tourism urbanization on green economy efficiency and the heterogeneity of sub-agglomerations. Major findings of this research are: the level of tourism urbanization and green economy efficiency of urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River during the study period showed a fluctuating and rising trend, and the growth trend was not stable, showing phase differentiation; the level of tourism urbanization presents a spatial pattern of “ high in the east and low in the west, high in the south and low in the north” , the efficiency level of green economy shows the spatial evolution characteristics of “ small dispersion and large contiguous piece” ; the level of tourism urbanization has an inhibitory effect on the improvement of green economic efficiency, and the inhibitory intensity of sub-urban agglomerations shows the ranking pattern of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration > Wuhan metropolitan area > Poyang lake urban agglomeration; on the whole, economic development level, opening up level and environmental regulation intensity can significantly promote the improvement of green economic efficiency. Government intervention inhibits the improvement of green economy efficiency, and there are obvious regional differences in the influence of each control variable on the scale of sub-urban agglomerations.
  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 17-30.
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    Taking Qingyan Ancient Town in Guiyang as the case site, using the method of qualitative research, through the theoretical analysis framework of macro to medium to micro, the influence of small tourism enterprises on the tourism community is revealed from three levels of “ environment embedding, relationship embedding and cognitive embedding”. It is found that whether the small tourism business can have a positive impact on the tourism community is restricted by the environment, relationship and cognition; the closer the relationship between the tourism community, the more positive the impact; and the cognition of the small tourism community, it is beneficial to promote the benign development of the tourism community and form a win-win and sharing situation. Therefore, environment, relationship and cognition can become the internal logic and mechanism to study the influence of small tourism enterprises on the tourism community under the embedded theory.
  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 31-46.
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    As the object of the ecological compensation policy of national parks in China, Indigenous residents'satisfaction is an important index to measure the ecological compensation policy. Based on the theory of the stimulusorganismresponse ( SOR) model, this paper takes residents‘livelihood capital and policy trust as stimulus factors, and residents'policy cognition as the state of the organism, and constructs a theoretical framework of influencing factors on the satisfaction of Indigenous residents’ecological compensation policy in national parks, and makes an empirical test with the survey data of Ying Ge Ridge area of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. The results show that: the satisfaction of Indigenous residents with ecological compensation policy is generally high; Livelihood capital and policy trust play an important role in predicting the satisfaction of ecological compensation policy, among which the role of policy trust is particularly significant; policy cognition plays an intermediary role in the influence of livelihood capital and policy trust on the satisfaction of Indigenous residents ecological compensation policy. According to the research results, combined with the practical problems encountered in the current process of promoting ecological compensation, it is suggested to enrich the livelihood capital of Indigenous residents and optimize the allocation of ecological compensation resources; standardize the operation of grass-roots organizations and enhance the policy trust of indigenous residents; innovate policy propaganda methods to improve the awareness of Indigenous residents‘policies, so as to provide a reference for the effective implementation of national park ecological compensation policies.
  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 47-61.
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    The article takes 115 prefecture-level cities in nine provinces and districts in the Yellow River Basin as the study area. Using analytical methods such as kernel density estimation, quantitative spatial relationship model, spatial mismatch index, and bivariate spatial autocorrelation, we quantitatively analyzed the spatial relationship between national intangible cultural heritage ( “intangible cultural heritage ”) and A-level scenic spots in the Yellow River Basin. At the same time, a geodetector is used to detect the dominant factors affecting their spatial relationships. The research shows that: there is a significant spatial correlation between intangible cultural heritage and A-level scenic spots in the Yellow River Basin, and its spatial clustering pattern shows a significant “ high- high” category and “ low-low” category with a wider distribution range and continuous agglomeration, and “ high-low” category and “ low-high” category with a narrower distribution range and more dispersed characteristics; the distribution of intangible cultural heritage and A-level scenic spots in the Yellow River Basin from the upper to the lower reaches of the Yellow River is characterized by “positive dislocation-negative dislocation”; the formation of different types of spatial relationships between intangible cultural heritage and A-level scenic spots in the Yellow River Basin is the result of the joint action of a variety of factors, and the heterogeneity of the dominant factors affecting their spatial relationships is significant.
  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 62-71.
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    This paper takes the network text and pictures of Qiao's Courtyard Weibo and tourist ecommerce tourists' comments as research samples, and adopts a combination of text analysis and picture analysis, with the help of dost Content Mining 6.0 and vivo 10 software, to compare and analyze the differences between the destination's projected and the tourists' perceived images, and to understand the specific reasons why Qiao's Courtyard was cancelled “5A” scenic treatment. The study found that in the analysis of online texts, there are differences between the projected and perceived image texts of Qiao's Courtyard in terms of high-frequency word content, sentiment and social semantic network composition. In the network image analysis, Qiao's Courtyard projects the image of a destination with culture and characteristics, while tourists pay more attention to the tourism experience. The “ mismatch” area in the “ Projected and Perceived Image Model of Destinations” is an important reason for the cancellation of Qiao's Courtyard, and corresponding measures can be taken to address the components of this area in the future.
  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 72-85.
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    Taking Meijiawu Village in Hangzhou as a case study, this article explores the interactive mechanism of tea tourism integration from the perspective of industrial symbiosis using a participatory rural appraisal method. The research findings are as follows: Tea tourism industry possesses inherent synergy, making it suitable for industrial integration; the specificity of the tourism industry makes it ideal for symbiosis with other industries, especially the primary sector; smooth interfaces are a prerequisite for villages to achieve industrial symbiosis, with the openness of external interfaces being a decisive factor; the village environment accelerates the flow of energy towards the tourism industry, providing a favorable symbiotic environment for the “ plus tourism” industry while also bringing challenges; the geographical location, economic conditions, human capital, social relationships, and cultural capital of symbiotic units are important factors determining whether internal symbiosis can occur in tea tourism symbiosis; various symbiotic models coexist in the symbiotic system after the tourism industry enters, and the ideal state is to move towards a symmetrical and mutually beneficial symbiotic model. The practice of tea tourism integration in Meijiawu shows that the residents of Jingzhong village can promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure of the village by spontaneously entering the tourism operation, so that the original industry and intangible cultural heritage of the village can be inherited and innovatively developed.
  • Tourism Research. 2024, 16(5): 86-98.
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    From the perspective of nostalgia psychology and construction of place, this research took “Guangzhou Super Wenheyou”, a nostalgic urban consumer space, as an example, and adopted a qualitative research method to explore its construction of place and the perceptions of visitors from Guangzhou and out of town. The results showed that: “ Guangzhou Super Wenheyou” reconstructed nostalgic symbols to recreate contexts of “people + events + objects”, thereby cultivating both material and emotional spaces, and conspired to form a nostalgic consumption space through the interactive feedback mechanism between management, store owners and tourists; most local tourists didn't have positive perceptions of nostalgic experiences; tourists out of Guangzhou, as cultural outsiders, mostly achieved some nostalgic cultural experiences, but were more interested in the nostalgic spots.